Thursday, September 22, 2011

Proposed Amendments to the SBA Constitution

The following are proposed amendments to the SBA Constitution. These proposals will be discussed at the SBA meeting on October 2, 2011.


The SBA hereby amends the Constitution by deleting the following:

Article XIX – Resignation (The Article in its entirety).

Article XX – Order of Business (The Article in its entirety).

Article XXII (D) (Suspension of the Constitution Clause)

Article VII (1)(C)(1)(a) and (b) (Requirement that Student Organizations attend the first SBA meeting of the academic year)

The SBA hereby amends,

Article XVI (2)(A) (about Impeachment procedure) to read:

“Upon written petition by a majority of the Senate requesting an impeachment hearing for the removal of any person elected or appointed to an SBA position, the SBA President shall direct the Chief Justice of the Judicial Board to commence said impeachment hearings.

(1).         The Chief Justice shall preside over the impeachment hearing, unless the Chief Justice is the accused, in which case the President shall preside.

(2).         Said Impeachment hearing must be no later than the next  scheduled meeting after which the Senate has requested the hearing.

(3).         In order for the Senate to impeach and remove the accused, it will be required to have two-thirds majority of the entire Senate body.

(4).         Upon a two-thirds majority vote of the entire Senate body to impeach, the impeached student is considered removed from office, and shall vacate office immediately.”

(Added language in italics.)  Article XVI, Sections (3) and (4) are hereby deleted from the Constitution.