Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Family & Juvenile Law Society Coloring Contest

The Family & Juvenile Law Society will hold a Coloring Contest Fundraiser from Monday, November 29, through Friday, December 3, to raise funds for the Children's Law Center.

Stop by the table in the lobby, donate a dollar or more, and color a winter holiday picture of your choice! If your coloring is selected as the best entry, you will win a $20 Amazon.com gift card.

Please contact Victoria.Templeton@quinnipiac.edu with any question

Guidelines and Rules for Group Study Room Reservations

  1. Saturday, December 4 through Wednesday, December 22, 2010 –all four study rooms in the library will be available for Law Students by Reservation OnlySign-up begins the Thursday before each Reading/Exam week.
  1. Minimum group size is three (3).
  1. There will be a 30 minute late/wait period – after 30 minutes, the room will be forfeited to another group on a first-come first-served basis, and only for the balance of the time slot.       
  1. Each group may reserve one slot per day, no more than two days per week.    Space and time is limited, and we want as many students as possible to be able to use the study rooms.
  1. Please be courteous and be prepared to leave at the end of your specified time.  There is no transition time between time blocks.
  1. Please refrain from using your cell phone or eating food in the library.  Clean up after yourself.  Remove all books and materials and return library item(s) to the book carts.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Extended Library Hours Between 12/4 and 12/22

Beginning on 12/4 the library hours are extended as follows:
Sunday through Thursday open until 2am
Friday and Saturday open until 11pm

During these hours the library will resort to a "once you are in, you are in" policy, which means that the front library doors will be locked at 11pm.  If you leave, you cannot get back in.  Students who remain after 11 may stay until 2am.

Please do not prop open the doors once they are locked.  This is for everyone's benefit.