The following is a letter from our 2012-2013 Treasurer, Allen Petit:
To the 2012-2013 Chief Executive Officers and Chief Financial officers of QUSL Student Organizations:
First off, I would like to congratulate you all on being elected to serve your organization and our school for the upcoming academic year. I’m excited for the opportunity to work with each of you and look forward to a smooth and productive process.
Based on the positive feedback from last year the Student Bar Association Executive Board and I have decided to distribute the budget allocation packets over this summer rather than wait until the fall. Our reasoning for this extended work period is two fold.
The first reason is that we feel that allowing you the summer to work on packets will allow you to compose the most accurate and well-researched proposals possible. Ideally, you will be able to use the remainder of the summer to find the best deals on items and materials that your events require.
The second reason that packets are coming out so early is that we would like to have some allocation hearings in august prior to the start of classes because there is enough to worry about during the first weeks of school as it is.
August allocation hearings are something that we feel will help us to get the budget approved quickly at the beginning of next school year. The logic here being that if we have knocked out some budget hearings before the start of classes, we will have fewer to do at the beginning of the school year and thus will be able to compile a working budget sooner.
If your organization feels that it has adequately completed its Budget Allocation Packet, and would like to conduct a hearing in August please email me. As I’m sure you aware, budget hearings require the attendance of the CEO and CFO (the president and treasurer) of each student organization. You are also perhaps aware of circumstances that may place either or both of those individuals out of Hamden for the summer. Fear not, we plan to use Skype and the magic of the internet to hold these hearings from far away if that is what needs to happen. These are details that we can work out on a case by case basis, but please know that just because you or your treasurer are not in town for the summer, that does not mean that you are excluded from having your hearing over the summer.
Please do not read this invitation to be a requirement that you complete your packet or have your hearing prior to the start of classes. The fall allocation process will absolutely proceed as it has in the past, but we felt that the option of getting some of this work done prior to the start of classes would be a relief for everyone as we start the new school year. To reiterate, having a hearing in August will not put you ‘first in line’ to have your budget approved, nor will there be any penalty if you choose not to have your hearing prior to the start of classes.
There is no deadline change, the only change is that you now have the summer to work on your allocation packets and potentially have your budget hearing.
The fall allocation packet and the finance policy is attached, please feel free to email me with any questions that you may have about it, or the allocation process.
Sincerely yours,
Allen Petit
SBA Treasurer
The following link contains the fall allocation packet:
2012-2013 Allocation Packet
The following link contains the Finance Policy: Finance Policy