Thursday, February 24, 2011

Family & Juvenile Law Society Self-Defense Seminar

The Family and Juvenile Law Society will be hosting a self-defense seminar on Friday March 4th at 2pm. 
The event will take place in the Athletic Center (the one on the main campus) - Room 207A.
All are welcome to come and learn some basic but effective self defense techniques.  Free drinks will be provided to all participants.

For more information, please contact Victoria Templeton []

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Proposed Constitutional Amendment/Additions

The following language is proposed to add the Alumni Association Representative positions to the SBA Constitution.  These amendments will be discussed at the March 6, 2011 SBA Senate meeting.  Please contact SBA President, Kelly Obermeier [] if you have any questions or concerns.

All sections in the current Constitution starting with the current section “Article VII – The Senate” shall be moved down one number 

The following is to be inserted into the Constitution:

Article VII – Alumni Association Representatives

A.  There shall be 2 Alumni Association Representatives to serve each academic year.

B.  The 2 Representatives shall be elected by the student body (pursuant to Article 15, Section 6).

C. In order to be eligible to serve as the Alumni Association Representative, a student must be graduating at the end of the academic year in which they serve.

D.  The Alumni Association Representatives serve as the liaisons between the SBA and the Alumni Association.  They are required to attend all Alumni Association meetings and present a report to the SBA a the next scheduled meeting.  The Representatives’ rights at the Alumni association meetings are governed by the Alumni Association bylaws.

E.  The Alumni Association Representatives are ex-officio members of the SBA with a voice, but no vote.

The following is to be added to the Constitution as Article 15, Section 6:

Section 6. Alumni Association Representatives

A) In order for the name of any person to be placed on the ballot for Alumni Association Representative, that person must submit to the Election Committee a petition with twenty-five (25) nominating signatures from the student body.

B) The election shall take place pursuant to Article 15, section 3, Letter D.

C) All Alumni Association Representatives shall assume their position on the last day of classes for the academic year in which they were elected. Their term shall end on the last day of the academic year for which they were elected.

D) All students running for Alumni Association Representatives are excluded from participating in the administration of Alumni Association Representatives elections.

E) The administration of election includes, but is not limited to: creating election ballots, attending the election table, and tallying ballots at the conclusion of the elections.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

18th Annual PILP Auction - March 10, 2011

The 18th Annual PILP Auction

THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2011 6:00 - 11:00 PM

At the 

Quinnipiac University School of Law

Grand Courtroom

PILP is focused on promoting public interest law and serving individuals who have not had adequate access to legal services. All the money raised from the event will be used to subsidize grants for qualified students who commit to a summer position at a non-profit organization.

This year's Red Carpet theme allows people to dress as if they were attending the Oscars, Grammy's, or maybe even something a little funkier like the VMAs.

The Silent Auction will open at 6pm. The Live Auction will begin at 7pm. Food and drinks* will be served.

There will be a 50/50 raffle, as usual, the more tickets you buy, the better your chance of winning some cold cash at the end of the night!

We will also raffle off various small items not included in the silent auction. All the more reason to bring some cash and buy some raffle tickets!

For more information about the PILP Auction, please contact Melissa Roy [] or Caitlin McGrory [].

The PILP organization is currently accepting donations.  Here are a couple of ideas on how you can donate:

1. Students (or their families) can donate goods or services.  For example, in the past some donations have included weekends at vacation homes, gift baskets, gift certificates, landscaping services, and bottles of wine.  Gift baskets often have been assembled around a central theme - his and her movie night, kid's rainy day activities, Italian dinner date night, coffee break, and ice cream social are some examples.  This is by no means a complete list - new ideas are welcome!  If you are considering making a donation, please contact Melissa Roy or Caitlin McGrory.

2. Lexis has arranged for students to donate the points they earn from Training and Daily Research to the PILP Auction if they wish.

    Just log in at, choose the "My Rewards" button, then choose "Redeem Points" at the top and look for the "Charitable Donations Section" on the left.  The PILP icon is located on page 2.  Donations can be made in 250-point increments.

    Below is this month's training schedule with multiple point-earning opportunities prior to the auction:

    LexisNexis Professional Research Certification - Statutory, Legislative History & Administrative Law Research - $10 Gift Card as 800 points  This class will teach you how to locate an Act by popular name, search for relevant statutes, and find related statutes, cases and other sources that will help you understand the interpretation and application of the Act, legislative history and intent.

    LexisNexis Professional Research Certification - Efficient Research Skills - $10 Gift Card as 800 points -
This class will teach you the important skill of becoming an efficient legal researcher, including starting with secondary sources, conducting topical research, writing efficient searches, narrowing your research, utilizing headnotes, and related content.

    Lexis for MS Office - ***$20 Gift Card as 1,500 Rewards Points!*** -  Earn up to 1.500 Reward Points for attendance.  Learn how to download and use new software called Lexis for Microsoft Office.  (Please note - the 1,500 points can only be deposited once for this session.)


All students interested in running for a SBA Executive Office or SBA Senate position must complete a petition signed by 25 law students and return it to the SBA Office by 5PM ON MARCH 10, 2011. (Please see the SBA Constitution for who is qualified to sign your petition).  If students are running for Senate positions, then their petitions must be signed by law students in their same year.  If students are running for Executive Board positions, then their petitions may be signed by any law student. 

Two new positions are also available this year. Two Alumni Association Representatives will be elected for the 2011-2012 school year. To be eligible to serve as the Alumni Association Representative, a student must be graduating at the end of the academic year in which he/she serves (for this election you must graduate in May of 2012).  Constitutional Language specifying the requirements if these positions is being proposed at the March 6, 2011 Senate meeting.  If you have any questions about this position please contact SBA President, Kelly Obermeier [].

Students running for Executive Board, Alumni Association Representative, and Senate Positions can pick up their petitions from the SBA office on March 7, 2011. ALL petitions are due on March 10, 2011.  The Executive Board and Alumni Association Representative Election will begin at 9 am on March 22, 2011 and end at 5pm on March 24, 2011.  Senate Elections will begin at 9 am on March 29, 2011 and end at 5 pm March 31, 2011.  If anyone has any questions about elections, please contact ABA Representative, Kristin Losi []