Congratulations to the following individuals elected to serve as SBA Senators for the 2011-2012 school year:
Rising 2Ls:
Shawn Ingram
David Norman
Carolyn Colley
Sam Greenberg
Rosalie Morgan
Josh Nadreau
Allen Petit
Chad Brooker
2L part time:
Manoj Vanavan
Mark Randall
Rising 3Ls:
Annie Muldowney
Steph Cummings
Tom Groth
Alyssa Tornberg
Jon Ceasaroni
Jon Spalding
Josh Scollins
Amanda DeMattis
Rising 4Ls:
Taryn Porzio
There will be a runoff between Alyse Greer and John Sousa for the final 4L Senator seat. The runoff election will take place next week.