All students interested in running for a SBA Executive Office or SBA Senate position must complete a petition signed by 25 law students and return it to the SBA Office by 5PM ON MARCH 10, 2011. (Please see the SBA Constitution for who is qualified to sign your petition). If students are running for Senate positions, then their petitions must be signed by law students in their same year. If students are running for Executive Board positions, then their petitions may be signed by any law student.
Two new positions are also available this year. Two Alumni Association Representatives will be elected for the 2011-2012 school year. To be eligible to serve as the Alumni Association Representative, a student must be graduating at the end of the academic year in which he/she serves (for this election you must graduate in May of 2012). Constitutional Language specifying the requirements if these positions is being proposed at the March 6, 2011 Senate meeting. If you have any questions about this position please contact SBA President, Kelly Obermeier [].
Students running for Executive Board, Alumni Association Representative, and Senate Positions can pick up their petitions from the SBA office on March 7, 2011. ALL petitions are due on March 10, 2011. The Executive Board and Alumni Association Representative Election will begin at 9 am on March 22, 2011 and end at 5pm on March 24, 2011. Senate Elections will begin at 9 am on March 29, 2011 and end at 5 pm March 31, 2011. If anyone has any questions about elections, please contact ABA Representative, Kristin Losi [].