Tuesday, February 15, 2011

American Bar Association Young Lawyer Division Update

The American Bar Association (ABA) hosted its midyear meeting in Atlanta, Georgia this past weekend, February 9-14, 2011.  

At this meeting, the Young Lawyer Division (YLD) Assembly of the ABA passed the landmark Resolution “Truth in Law School Education” urging more accurate reporting of statistics.  The resolution requests that all ABA-approved law schools report employment data in a more accurate manner, including providing more employment information in their responses to the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar’s Annual Questionnaires. The resolution further urges all ABA-approved law schools to increase transparency regarding graduate salary information, including displaying the national median salary information and publication of the actual cost of law school education, on a per-credit basis, including the average cost of living expenditures while attending law school. As an implementation strategy, the resolution suggests the adoption of a model questionnaire which will incorporate the various provisions of this resolution.  

If you have any questions about this Resolution, or any activities of the YLD please get in touch with the Student Bar Association ABA Representative, Kristin Losi [kristin.losi@quinnipiac.edu].