Due to scheduling conflicts, the election meeting is rescheduled for Monday March 21st at 5pm. If this is an issue for anyone who is running for either an eboard position, alumni representative position, or senate position please email Kelly Obermeier [kelly.obermeier@quinnipiac.edu] as soon as possible. Election petitions are still due tomorrow, Thursday March 10th at 5pm. Any petitions turned in after this time will not be used to create the ballots and that individual’s name will need to be written in on the ballot.
In addition to any other campaigning, each candidate will be provided a portion of a poster to post a picture, platform, or any other materials you wish. The size will be slightly larger than 1 letter sheet of paper.
In the meantime here are a few campaign rules you must follow:
1. Campaigning can NOT begin until Friday March 11th at 5pm. Anyone who begins official campaigns before that time will be disqualified.
2. there is no “papering” the school. No printed flyers or handouts can be put around the school.
3. You may not have a professor or administrator send your campaign materials to any school listserve. You do have the right to send emails to whoever you would like, but you must create the email list on your own. You are free to use any electronic method of campaigning you wish.
4. Only positive campaigning. You may not participate in “mudslinging.”
5. make sure you comply with all trademarks and copyrights.
6. Finally and MOST IMPORTANT: before posting any campaign materials you must submit them to me and have it reviewed. I will not censor anything, but this is a requirement to ensure you are complying with all school policies. If you would like anything reviewed please email Kelly Obermeier [kelly.obermeier@quinnipiac.edu].